
Condition: B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL)


Mica and Samantha Baker of Bowling Green, Kentucky, are the parents of four children, all boys, with August “Auggie” Baker being the youngest. For all their children, annual well-child visits with their pediatrician are routine to make sure everyone is healthy and hitting milestones.

“Auggie started out the healthiest among his siblings,” Samantha said. 

Life changed for the Baker family after Auggie’s 2-year-old well-child visit. The results from his bloodwork were concerning. He received a referral to Norton Children’s for further testing and evaluation.

In September 2022, Auggie was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He immediately began treatment at Norton Children’s Cancer Institute.

“Your whole life was changed; you don’t know what’s up and what’s down,” Samantha said. “It was really hard.”

But in between hospital stays and weekly doctor’s appointments, Auggie pressed on.

“Auggie is strong, resilient and brave,” said Mustafa Barbour, M.D., pediatric hematologist/oncologist with Norton Children’s Cancer Institute. “The family continually persevered together with endurance for Auggie to overcome every obstacle.” 

During his cancer journey, Auggie formed an immediate bond with the Norton Children’s staff, as well as Luna, a Heel, Dog, Heal facility dog at Norton Children’s Hospital. While Auggie received treatment, Luna made the days brighter and brought endless smiles.

Today, Auggie is in remission and receiving maintenance therapy. Now in preschool, he is thriving.

“The journey was overwhelming and hard at times, but [we’re] thankful for his team of doctors, nurses and therapists,” Samantha said. “They provided the specialized pediatric care Auggie needed and embraced our family.”

Thanks to his yearly visit with the local pediatrician, Auggie’s cancer was caught early. Samantha encourages other parents to make sure well-child visits are part of their yearly routine.

“Hard to believe, but truly that routine well-child visit saved Auggie’s life,” Samantha said.