Rosia Grace
Condition: Interrupted Aortic ArchLarge Ventricular Septal Defect
Hometown: Elizabethtown, KY
Rosia Grace had a higher risk of heart issues due to her mother’s history. Before she was born, she was diagnosed with interrupted aortic arch and a large ventricular septal defect. Norton Children’s Maternal-Fetal Medicine played a crucial role in confirming and monitoring her heart defects while she was still in the womb.
Rosia Grace was born premature at 34 weeks, weighing just 3 pounds, 9 ounces. Three weeks later, she had her first surgery, a pulmonary artery banding to lessen the amount of blood flowing into her lungs. Her second surgery, a pulmonary artery tent, was done to compensate for the narrowing of the aortic arch and give Rosia Grace more time to grow and gain weight. A third surgery consisted of multiple repairs: augmentation of the aortic arch, patching to close the ventricular septal defect, debanding of the pulmonary artery, removal of the patent ductus arteriosus, and patch pulmonary artery augmentation.
The entire Norton Children’s team played a vital role in Rosia Grace’s journey. Her parents want to shout out numerous heroes — from front desk staff to surgeons, cardiologists, therapists, nutrition staff and the cleaning staff. Their special mentions: Bahaaldin Alsoufi, M.D.; Amanda C. Farris, M.D.; Helen Y. How, M.D.; Edward S. Kim, M.D.; Delwyn E. McOmber, M.D.; Melissa L. Perrotta, M.D.; Tamina R. Singh, M.D.; and Michelle J. Sumrall, M.D.
Rosia Grace continues to be monitored by our team at Norton Children’s Heart Institute and continues to make progress. She’s graduated from physical therapy and has overcome feeding challenges. Even though Rosia Grace is small, she is a very smart, happy and active little girl. She loves dancing, singing, running, climbing, playing outdoors, reading to her dogs and spending quality time with her family.
“We are very grateful for the excellent care that I and Rosia Grace had and still have,” Rosia Grace’s mom said. “We are truly blessed that we have Rosia Grace in our lives! She is like a ray of sunshine that warms the soul.”